They are the key to the creation of Hiway systems, characterized by precision and dedication, leveraging the experience and skills acquired over the years. Their modular and versatile design allows for easy integration with pre-existing systems and tightspaces.

Customer Support

We guarantee our expertise and knowledge at all times.


We transport fragile, abrasive, toxic and Atex classified materials safely and without dispersing dust into the environment.


The modularity and versatility of our systems allow perfect integration with existing constructions, adapting even to the narrowest spaces.


We offer a wide variety of complementary accessories to meet your every need.
Our teams will guide you throughout the entire construction process.

Our Installations


Aero-mechanical conveyors

High-speed conveyors utilizing ropes

They are able to transport materials to significant heights and beyond


Mechanical conveyors

Low-speed chain conveyors

They enable material distribution along the route.

Components and Accessories

Stazioni svuota Big-Bag

Structures for emptying Big-Bags

Stazioni Tagliasacchi

Structure for cutting small bags

Screw conveyors

Useful for dosing and transporting material into the conveyors

Other Accessories

Accessori aggiuntivi per completare al meglio l’impianto

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with our experience and support

Da oltre 50 anni la nostra esperienza al tuo servizio per risolvere problemi di trasporto e stoccaggio