Variante Convogliatore Meccanico con Curva Motorizzata

The CMC line represents a series of mechanical conveyors with a unique feature: instead of a drive assembly, it uses a motorized curve to impart movement to the chain.

This solution is particularly suitable for narrow environments or with raised spaces where it is not possible to position a traditional towing unit. The loading and unloading process is similar to that of the UNI line and the components are also similar, with few significant differences. Like all other lines of Hiway conveyors, they use very low energy consumption


Variante Convogliatore Meccanico con Curva Motorizzata

qualità e innovazione

The CMC line represents a series of mechanical conveyors with a unique feature: instead of a drive assembly, it uses a motorized curve to impart movement to the chain.

This solution is particularly suitable for narrow environments or with raised spaces where it is not possible to position a traditional towing unit. The loading and unloading process is similar to that of the UNI line and the components are also similar, with few significant differences. Like all other lines of Hiway conveyors, they use very low energy consumption


Some Construction Materials

  • Carbon steel
  • AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel
  • Carbon steel
  • AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel
  • Aluminum Casting
  • Cast iron
  • Aluminum (with food certification)
  • Acciaio al carbonio/Acciaio INOX
  • Carbon steel 
  • AISI 304 or AISI 316 stainless steel
  • Nylon
  • Glass filled nylon
  • Sipolprene

Specifiche Tecniche

Main system components



Idle curve which can be 90° or 180° for the correct path of the system. May feature chain tensioning system.


Curve equipped with motor and reducer for moving the chain inside the line.


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